Wednesday, May 13, 2009

just a little something to think about

A dull moan sighs thick through the fog
as the ferry slowly aches over the ocean's tired waves.
A long pause awaits before we step off of the boat.
Everything drags here, as if life was put on hold.
As if time has been halted, and we drag on, in this mass of time pulled into a single moment.
The moon's light doesn't even bear down on us anymore. You just see the white, and notice nothing. Its rays never glow. Now as I think of this, and step down on the creaky stairs leading onto the deck, and I see you looking. It takes a moment for you gaze to reach mine. Though you are looking, a small pause awaits before I actually see your eyes, your pupils. Your face is worn, ragged and left unshaven. As a soft wind blows through the air, your hair is ruffled. You turn away, and the darkness of your stare goes on.

~The footsteps of a stranger remain, they mold into the life left behind, into the air that sits still. They hold each second into their soles, and press them to the rotten wood. Only that sound stays, as all others die away.


  1. Whoa, so descriptive! I loved this, it actually helps me write and just sit there to imagine the IMAGERY.
    Hope to read more, Jackie!

  2. well, you were the one who inspired ME to write it XD!!!!
