Saturday, February 28, 2009


I had an epiphany. The purpose of life is death. We do everything we do, so we can do it before we die. If people lived forever, there wouldn't be a point in anything, because there wouldn't be a time limit. It's like, because we know we are going to die one day, we try to have the best life possible. But if you never die, then you will stop trying, and the whole point of life will be lost. Imagine sitting day after day knowing there will never be an end, so it's like, what does it matter. There has to be an end somewhere, and everything leads to the end. In a book, you read untill the last sentance... the point of the whole story is for it to end. Once you read that last page of a book, everything falls into place. All problems are resolved. It is the resolution. So why isn't life like that. We live for there to be an end. Dying is your resolution. Without it, you'd be an unfinished book. So in order to have the best life possible, you have to die.