Wednesday, March 11, 2009


behind fogged glass
a fear coulds the mirror
Wiping at the reflection I see nothing there
I'm alone in the world as death lingers in the wrinkles of my old, worn life
No second chances are given,
I failed for eternity
The only one left to pity myself is me
And yet I feel the eyes of God on my shoulder as I fall below the floor
All life is wasted
It is forgotten

1 comment:

  1. it could've used a better flow, but...i like the deep meaning you maen to convey in's very, interesting. it really makes me think.
    also, i see that you tried the 'simple ending' tactic. i like it, it kind of goes with this poem. how, this feeling that constantly looms over you, fogs your once clear mind, can be wraped around the simple phrases, sentences at the end of the poem.
    this poem shows one of your most creative, precious skills!
