Sunday, March 15, 2009


It hits me hard to see you again
After you have been absent from my presence,
It feels as though you are fading
but then the moment I see you once more
I collapse under your command
and hope you can't see
because my life is in your arms
you hold it with a tight grasp
but dare to drop it
and I'll just die
dare to walk a step closer and I'll tear myself to pieces
dare to touch me and I won't hold myself back anymore
Love is on the verge of breakdown
You rip me to shreds


  1. i like it! you did a good job with this one. the last line, "you rip me to shreds" leaves a very lasting pang for the reader to swallow. i think that the rest, in some parts, lacks a good ring- the tone might have been fuller in certain places where it became too thin for the thoughts you were trying to convey. that is something that i believe you struggle with just a bit, so be sure to watch for it when you revise before posting ; otherwise, a job well done.

  2. all your endings are very abrupt, but i get what you're trying to say. i love this poem! jackie, you're a very inspirational writer! and i'm glad i have the priviledge to read your works.
    i wait for more posts, and definitely some more romantic poetry. your colorful words spark ideas in my mind~
